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piatok 14. októbra 2016

Dumplings with tomato sauce

Dumplings: 500 g flour
1 egg
2 tbsp oil
hot water

Tomato sauce : 100 g of tomato paste
5 tbsp oil
4 PL Plain flour
1 tsp salt
1tsp sugar
ground black pepper
geraniums nut

Stuffed peppers: 5 green peppers
500g ground pork
1 egg
ground black pepper

Dumplings: into a bowl add the flour and yeast. the Yeast pour out hot water and leave for 5 minutes. then add egg, oil, salt and stir handle when the dough is dry add water warm. Properly handle knead the dough until it is smooth. sprinkle top with flour and cover with a kitchen towel. leave in a warm place to the double size. Meanwhile we prepare steamer. dish brush with oil.

board a sprinkle of flour and shape the dough as the loaf. Add to the steamer and cover lid and holes to attach a piece of foil. to prevent leaks unnecessarily steam. do leave for 20 minutes. then allowed to cool and cut into slices.

Tomato sauce: into a little pot add the oil, after flour. Pour in a little fry and water or broth. We add the tomato puree mix if we have lumps that sieve. It created thick sauce flavored we can add ground black pepper, salt, basil, geraniums little nut. If the sauce taste acidic, add sugar.

Stuffed peppers: First we cook rice - to put one cup and 2 cups water. add salt and cook for about 30 minutes and let it cool.

Add the minced meat cooked rice, egg, pepper, marjoram and mix everything well.

Pepper Clean - cut the top and choose seeds and fill with meat mixture and the rest we make meatballs.

In a larger pot boil water. In hot water  add the stuffed peppers cook until they are soft peppers. We remove from water and serve with sauce and dumplings.
Bon appetite :)

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