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nedeľa 30. apríla 2017


 This cake is an old recipe for our grandmothers my husband  love this cake without cocoa because the photo is not a cacao part but you can do it as you want. I use instead of a classic butter dairy free butter because my son is allergic to milk In this case also use milk coconut or almond or rice not whole cow's milk. You can fill it with creme or jam

6 eggs
300 g caster sugar
180 g of butter
250 ml of whole milk or cream
1 bag of vanilla sugar or vanilla extract
450 g coarse flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons of cocoa
Powdered sugar for dusting

1. preheat the oven to 180/160 degrees; Separate yolks and whites. Wipe the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the softened butter and warm not hot, milk or cream. In another bowl, whisk the whites
With vanilla sugar and flour mixed with baking powder. Then gently mix the snow and flour into the yolk mixture.

2.We put baking paper into the mold  Pour the half of the dough into the mold, add the remaining color to the cocoa and pour into a light dough. Bake for about 30 minutes. Cake is done when a toothpick is clean
Let's cool down then sprinkle with icing sugar.

crème pâtissière


  • 250ml of whole milk
  • 1 vanilla pod, or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50g of caster sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 10g of plain flour
  • 10g of cornflour

piatok 14. apríla 2017

Easter Paska

recipe with the traditional Easter cake.

Tomorrow I'm starting to bake cakes and Easter cheese everything to prepare for Sunday morning. Today and tomorrow is the day Lent therefore today I only cook pirohy stuffed with potato. 😋

500 g flour ·
30 g yeast
70 g granulated sugar
250 milliliters of milk
120 grams of butter
1/2 teaspoon salt

The dough can add raisins, sprinkle top of sliced almonds.

In warm, not hot milk we dissolve sugar, crumble the yeast and leave to rise for about 15 minutes. The robot with a kneading hook or by hand to leaven stir in eggs and flour alternately with melted butter room temperature. Knead smooth, workable dough. covered let rise for one hour in a warm place.

2: Divide dough into four equal parts, of every shape the loaf. We spread them in a greased round form with a diameter of about 26 cm. yet let rise for about half an hour.

3: Before baking, brush the surface of the cake stirring yolks. Bake at 190 ° C for 40 minutes, and the experience of your oven. After 20 minutes, the cake will check if it is already top brown, cover it with baking paper.

4: After baking, we cover cloth to soften the crust. After partial cooling removed from the mold. Serve with Easter menu.


štvrtok 6. apríla 2017

Veľkonočna Hrudka ( Easter cheese)

Approaching Easter
And we have the classic Slovakia :) on the table not be missing ham, eggs, horseradish, beetroot and sausage. Everyone has different recipes and on Easter cheese is a lot but I will give you the recipe to do my mom.

Tradition is also going with basket full of food to church to bless it to the priests.

It paints the eggs it is a joy for children 🌝

Easter Monday in Slovakia Śmigus-Dyngus I hate that   😃  https://en.wikipedia  therefore it gives the painted egg and a glass of schnapps.

1 liter milk

10 eggs

sugar to taste

little salt

raisins if you like

The pot give milk, sugar to taste and a little salt and raisins. eggs then stir over a low flame until a lump. then drain in cloths and even water pushes out tie. allowed to drip 1 hour. 

We put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then unpack, cut into slices to taste the Easter dishes.